Motorola Symbol LS4278 Cordless handheld scanner

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** Discontinued - Replaced by Symbol LI4278 **
The innovative Symbol LS4278 Bluetooth®-enabled cordless bar code scanner delivers superior data capture anywhere in the workplace. Its multi-line rastering pattern eliminates the need for exact aim, enabling scanning within a 50-ft (15-m) radius and allowing operator extra room to move. This laser handheld device excels in retail, healthcare or light industrial environments, boosting productivity and profitability.
Main Features :
  • Integrated Bluetooth
  • Multi-line rastering scan pattern
  • Remote Scanner Management (RSM)
  • Allows use of up to three scanners with a single cradle
  • Batch mode operation
  • Powered through host cable, no need for a power supply


Motorola LS4278-Brochure (MOT_LS4278_BROCHURE.pdf, 164 Kb) [Download]